Wednesday, November 22, 2006

How do you spell "plbbbbbbbbt"?

Sometimes I have to laugh at myself. Sometimes I deserve it.

Here's the story. The other night, someone at work really annoyed me. I'm not going to name names, let's just call him "Old Yeller". This describes both his age and personality.

Anyway, Old Yeller annoyed me, and I was completely in the right. This really put a crimp on an otherwise OK day.

But wait, this was pizza day! On Tuesdays, the local pizza store does a pretty good special, so I usually pick up a pizza to give my aestheticly-pleasing and kind-to-animals wife a night off from the rigors of daily meal-preparation.

So, after I picked up the pizza, I had to drive back past my place of employment. As I did, I looked up at Old Yeller's office window and said this.

I know, I know, I really am 36 years old.

But sometimes it feels good to act 13.


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