Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I swear that I didn't mean to do it.

I've not been sleeping well recently. I realize that it's self-inflicted. If the candle had three ends, I'd be burning them all, what with trying to get up early, staying up late watching Season 1 of "Stargate SG-1", and trying to exercise more.

Anyway, my stunningly beautiful and ever-popular wife and I were engaging in some post-dinner chat. She was perched delicately in our reliner, and I was sprawled over our couch. A dangerous position for a tired person to be in.

Ever fall asleep while you're talking with someone? I have. Sometimes I even have very short, intense dreams. Micro-dreams, I call them.

Sometimes I can get away with this indiscretion. Sometimes, a suitable phrase, un bon mot, will pop into my head that I can use and so appear to have been alert the entire time.

Sometimes this doesn't work. Like tonight. I actually interrupted what my cute and creative wife was saying, to offer the following inspired comment:

"Your bra is on backwards."
Like I say, busted.


At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My side is still hurting from laughing so hard...


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