Recently, my six year old son (alias Number 2 Edward) took it upon himself to write a report on bats. This wasn't a school project, something from his co-op learning group or even homework, he just likes bats and decided to research and write a report on them. My daughter had done something similar a little while ago. Gentle Reader, I don't know if you have children of your own, but I'm guessing that if you do you think that they are pretty special. Well, I'm here to tell you that my kids ROCK!Here's Edward's report:
Don't you just love that all the bat pictures are very similar, except the Vampire Bat has big teeth (only visible when its wings are up), and the Fruit Bat is flying over fruit!
Two.Tonight, I was driving home from doing some errands with Number 2 while the fairer members of the family were shoe shopping. I tried calling my alluring and infinitely-blog-worthy wife to see if she and my daughter were ready for a ride home. Alas, she did not pick up, and all I got was her call-back music. Well, the music she picked happens to be one of my favorite tunes, and I found myself singing along with it:"You're the most colorful thing that I see.
You're the most beautiful thing that I see."
Well, Number 2 thought that I was leaving a message, and said "Yeah, that's what I think about Mommy too!"
That kid will go far, right Mommy?
Labels: bats, Number 2, songs