Sunday, November 15, 2009

Watch those catalogs...

Returning home from church today, my 8 year old son and I were discussing important events.

"Wyomissing. Home of the Spartans" he read.
"I thought that Sparta was home of the Spartans" I said wisely.
"Didn't you know they moved?" interjected my inspiring and amazing wife (who incidently holds the title of 'Top Goalscorer' of the Wyomissing U8 Moms Soccer Team - Go Honey!!!)
"Anyway, they wore rubber underwear" said my son.

Silence for a moment. A very brief moment. Followed by laughter, followed by a chorus of "WHAT??????"

"Well, it was something stretchy. It was in the picture."

More silence. More laughter.

Confused, I tried to figure out what he meant. Then it struck me. I managed to get on the mailing list for a mail order company called Museum Replicas. It's very can only qualify to be on the list by being alive...maybe.

Anyway, I let my son look at the latest catalog, because he's really into Romans, and they had some cool this:

Trouble is, I'd forgotten that they also do a whole line of merchandise from the movie "The 300." Here's their take on a warrior of ancient Sparta:

Hence the "rubber underwear."

Note to self: Be more careful with catalogs. Fortunately I'm not on a certain popular lingerie manufacturer's mailing list...yet.

Please don't let them know I exist!


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