Saturday, August 12, 2006


Not much to say today. So let's go to some questions...

Question: Squid on the grill? Where did you come up with such a wonderful and creative name?

Answer: I'm so glad you asked. Here's the story. In our house, my beautiful and wonderful wife would be making dinner, and one or both of the kids would ask her what she's making. Well, every now and again, when they found out what we were having, one or both of the kids would have a less-than-ecstatic-reaction, annoying my talented and engaging wife. So, to avoid this, the menu-du-jour became a closely guarded secret, with the same clearance level as the location of the hide-a-key fake rock at NORAD.

Well, as you can imagine, our kids respected this decision, and never asked again. Ha! Anyone who believed that last statement are obviously not parents. If you're thinking of becoming a parent, go read some Dobson first.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah... The kids still asked. So when they asked, the answer "Squid on the grill" came into my head. And stuck. Just ask my kids.

Question: Is your sense of humor really dry, or are you just mean?

Answer: I'm just mean. Who wants to know? No, just kidding!!! My creative and graceful wife was worried that people who didn't know me well would get the wrong idea about me. She suggested that I put a "smiley" after any humor I might accidently insert into my otherwise serious posts. That's a good idea, and who knows, I might remember to do it sometimes. But, if I forget, please assume I'm being funny (or trying to).

Well, that's all for today. Keep those questions coming in, and if advertisements ever appear on this blog, click on them several thousand times. Thanks!



At 2:54 PM, Blogger Stuart said...

Thanks for the welcome!
What humor?


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